Sunday, July 13, 2008

Creaky Boards - Needles on the Brain

Hey! I was a fan of this band back when it was just Pierson Spec, a local band from nowheresville, America. Andrew Hoephner, the lead singer of Creakyboards, recently posted a comparison video of his band's song with that of a Coldplay song, claiming Coldplay ripped them off. Well, whether or not they did, that's an amazing publicity stunt. And if they become super famous anytime soon, I just want to say... HEY! I knew about them long ago, before any of you! So HA!

Anyways, the lead singer reminds me of my good friend Robin, and I'm not quite sure why. So I'll take it upon myself to log this video in my archival blog, even if it's not my favorite song of theirs.